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Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire
In the Donkey Sanctuary you can rid around in your own car among the hundreds of donkeys in the huge park. The animals will be happy to approach you and stick their noses through the car window in hope that you took something tasty with you for them. You can also buy carrots at the park to feed to the donkeys. You'll be sure to make new friends quickly with them!
The special care pasture can only be accessed on foot. Here you will meet the donkeys that require extra care, for example because of an injury or illness. Mothers and their foals and orphaned foals raised through bottle feeding also live on this pasture. There is also a garden where you can admire iguanas and tortoisesandschildpadden. Lastly, you can order a drink and take a seat on the cozy terrace, in the shade of a palapa roof made of dried palm fronds. The terrace offers a beautiful view of the salt lake where you can usually see flamingo.
All in all a fun and educational excursion for people of all ages!
Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire is open to visitors daily from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Admission is possible until 4:00 p.m. You can ride around in a car, on a moped or on a bike. You can of course also walk around. Quad bikes are not permitted in the park. The admission fee is US$7.00 for adults. Kids up to 12 years of age pay only US$3.50. Volunteers get free access for 2 people from their own family.